Separate names with a comma.
I believe Legend rank should receive 1 monthly key and Immortal rank should receive 2 monthly keys. These ranks are the top two options on MCC and...
Do you like to stream? Do you need custom alerts or overlays? Shop here for the newest and best overlays yet:
Cringe *** Youtube channel thats more dead than the fly in your window sill:
I remember on the old MCC I used to sit in class in High School, and just chill on the MCC website during class.....
I need to grow all my social medias ;-;
It depends on what you plan to play. But also a HUGE perk is getting 1 free anchient key every month! That really is awesome! I personally love...
So I really want to write a song, I have lyrics I just dont know how to put music to it I've never written a song before but recently it has...
Just something I thought would be kindda cool... If MCC gave everyone 1 key for Christmas. *Idk if they do this or not I've never really payed...
I usually play CSGO, Minecraft and occasionally Wizard101 **not often anymore** But other than that I play random online games like Town of salem...
Hello :3 With the new Skyblock Reset coming up I was wondering if anyone was doing IRL deals! I will Give you anything of your choosing on any...
Discord invite link:
do you want my personal discord or My ACTUAL discord channel (the one I always talk in while streaming)
Hai Streamer :D Let me know if you ever wanna play anything!
Dont be a Creepo
@Froakz is a NUB
Happy SPOOPY day
send MEMES
Im sad i lost all my status from the old website ;-;