Separate names with a comma.
remove custom enchants from keys especially they're quite useless , all the ce's you can get from /kit potions or /fix all (because hellforged is...
I like this, great ideas. I would suggest to the owners to begin doing math on each meta to figure out what is too op and what is not. I know that...
couldn't agree more. I've staff reported this man Kyee at least 3 times. He is an abusive staff and doesn't know what hes doing. This fucker stole...
Ethan.#1588 xEthzn Skyblock & Prison
xEthzn Ethan.#1588 :)
Thanks for hosting bud! IGN: xEthzn Disc: Ethan.#1588 Fav subserver: Skyblock & Prison :)
I believe that you should add Protection 5 & Sharpness 6 to Event Keys. This will make it very rare & harder to obtain making pvp a little more...
make people think about building a new type of grinder, not just fall damage / lava with skeletons. (done well with skyblocks new turtle spawners)...
hello mcrcus
Definitely a -1 from me. Its an alright idea, but if you get muted on 3+ accounts you get banned for Mute evasion. Also, How would staff know who...
I was just talking to a few of my friends and we came up with a little suggestion to help the server. On McCentral when a staff member freezes...
yes please markey, I know this is a bit late but legit pvp is screwed up rn brining back egaps would be huge
OK SO to start, making the hopper limit higher is great. Although there isnt a very effective way to recieve island points. Sugar cane was...
Much obliged ~ehoeian
make like better hit reg yknow and like better anticheat to stop the hackers and like get p4 from voting rewards or smth
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Wow! Great Thread mxggs!
/is warp Exodus
Another Idea that I would add PvP, is to fix the bug where you can throw poison potions on the platform at /warp pvp, and push people into the...