Separate names with a comma.
As much hate as I'm gonna get for this, none of you realize how difficult it is to get 5k subscribers, and this isn't his first time on the...
Hey there! I personally would want independent leveling systems, like how you gain levels in certain minigames, you can also gain levels in...
Unfortunately they don't allow rank transfers. You will have to either buy the rank again or try to do some IRL deals in one of the subservers.
Hey Luke! Welcome to the server, and congrats on YouTube rank! I'll look forward to seeing you around. I'll be sure to check out your channel :D
Hey there! Personally, I don't think this would be a good idea. While it would be a deterrent from hacking, the chat would constantly be...
I don't mind that all of my stats are gone. It's a fresh new start for everyone and I personally enjoy that. The new website looks much more...
This has always been the case for me, I use LabyMod as well. Not sure if it's a bug with either the server or the mod but the saturation would...
Hey there! I'm glad I saw this post because it's been a long time since I've looked at my old screenshots, and I miss some of the old things on...
Hey there! The exchange rates can be wildly different depending on the server, and especially what the person is wanting in exchange for their...
Unfortunately they don't transfer ranks.
AyeItsHecc :3
As much as I loved the old site, this new one looks way better than the original. The features seem easier to navigate and feels much better on my...
hewwo friendo
Hey! I personally love the new look of the website! It looks much sleeker and more modern than the old Enjin site. Not to mention I love...