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I have created a guild named CheeseGang. Msg me or comment on this thread if you want to join :>
I can understand that, food is one of my best friends lol
I can understand that lol
If you had to choose which store you will be locked in for the rest of your life, what store would it be? Dont worry bout food and water, you...
Mine is soccer and eating cheese in a nice cheesey tube :>
Bruhhhhh, why, to be honest that really really sucks and is stupid. It's all reports so why is it lile how it is. It sucks
You need at least 100 reports to be able to apply, and I know that the /chatreport does not count to those. But I'm just wondering if the discord...
Well, does it count towards the staff reports thing?
Okie to be honest, staff and reports are pretty bad, it takes forever for them to respond and I think like, thats not good, with how many staff...
If he was selfish he would not care if we wanted to do the bad side or not, he would have chose for us. What he did for us, is not selfish. He let...
So then you are fine him taking all bad away and taking ur choice away and not giving you the right to choose between right and wrong? And he is...
I mean, technically there was no question in the beginning of your text or anything-
You see, God always offers a way out, but, it's our job to be willing to trust and have faith in him. No matter what bad you are in, God will...
Let me ask you, do you want a choice in life? That's why he did not just destroy the bad, I'm sure you would want a choice to do good and evil....
I've been on this server enough where I know things and stuff. But if I am very honest, the only reason why I am on this server is cause of...
:( Well, I'll be praying for her and your fam and all and hope everything is okay