Separate names with a comma.
lol being so rude for no reason. I guess no wonder why you got 5 likes. Dude don't be mean, there's no point, it only makes people hate you. So...
Yea, although I'm sure it'll take quite a while for the update to actually happen
Yep. Now I've heard of a creative update from Alex from a bug report that I made. He said that the but will be fixed and that there will be an...
Well, just because no one likes him does not mean he should be banned. Technically as long as he does not break any rules that results in a ban...
Instead of posting a thread here about it you should post a thread in the bug report section, the last one down in the important section. There...
Most of my memories were in Murder Mayhem when that was a thing and creative when that was not dead. In creative I was the skin builder, I built...
Hope everyone is having a great day or night or evening whatever time it is for you! :D
I don't really know about the fish or vinegar part lol. Fish an' such its a no for me
I ammmm just not going to question-
Just a little fun question for everyone. One of mine is cheese and apples together mmmmmmmm so good!
Creative is dead here because staff are not spending their time to actually improve it and they always make the excuse, oh well creative is dead...
Oh yea I've also had experience of that, not the report part but something similar. I cant remember when, but sometime there was literally a staff...
Its because of how little this server has to offer is partly why players are leaving this server to go to Hypixel. I mean they have so much more...
Yea, but with the surge of players, unless there is nothing new or really fun that wont happen. Thats the issue with it all, they are waiting for...
I'm just going to say it. Can you focus on more updating other stuff and adding new stuff then prison and survival resets and all of that? I mean...
Cheese, dang this server is so dead
SidtheSquid51 is a scammer do not tpa to him at all if its something about trading or selling stuff to him or anything. Knowing how stupid I am...
Did yall know that the ocean is just a big huge soup. I mean just think, it got meat....salt....vegetables...water, its just a big soup :>
HoiiiI! Been a while, how are you?