Separate names with a comma.
MCC is so to speak dying in terms of the average players are on each day, i remember back 5 years ago the server was booming and had many more...
You sir are 100% staff are barely on and when i say barely i mean barley, when i was ranting there were 2 staff members online, they keep bringing...
Id just love to see staff response and see what they actually say, "working on the anticheat"
Yeah yeah, well thanks fam i appreciate ur honesty.
Yeah i know thats good :) but theres been no innovation for more than a couple of years :)
Thank you so much for this great answer :) So HOW many players do u think MCC actually has guys? I feel like mcc is trying to go for an image...
Ive been playing MCC since a long time there has been little to no innovation in minigames, its not being updated regularly in the sense that...
Just a simple question for anyone who knows about this server, i use to play lavacraft and tbh it was my fav server, so i was just wandering why...
Kvng is very big good mod
Akhu Akhu#0747 :)
Agreed :)
Staff members cannot do /vanish in minigames.
I have posted something like this before on the forums but i would like to fix my past idea. I have been in many instances where staff are trying...
Hey Smashhhh thanks for posting this! It depends if the owner wants this to be a part of the game where the void is purposely shallow so it...
Akhu Akhu #0747
While i understand you're reasons, when a problem gets so severe that i disconnect from mccentral because tsw is unplayable, your reasons are not...
This is no more a complaint than a inquiry, Now i mainly play tsw on McCentral, and i seriously rarely see staff go on tsw. and me even saying...
When epicmollusc bought me iron :)[IMG]
On certain occasions i saw that when hackers where on at the same time staff was on the hackers left because they knew they were staff, i am just...