Separate names with a comma.
Perfect, thanks again!
True, the space between the dots does kind of make it harder to see... Never even thought of that, thanks for bringing it up.
Yeah, that was the main one I based it off of :joy: though I didn't want to call out any specific names. Also, what is that gif of putting on...
So, here's a screenshot of the current divider that separates a member's post from their signature: [ATTACH] Now you might be saying, "what...
As far as I know, blocks lagging back when placing in liquids has been an issue on bukkit/spigot for a while now. Not sure if they use that to run...
That screenshot is part of UnlimitedHealth's signature, it appears below every post they make. If you want one, you can add one to your profile at...
If you've been here for 5 years, then you should know how Prison works. You've had more than enough time to learn that it's pretty much based...
Doctor strange was pretty good, the scene where he made a time loop with Dormammu was pretty funny. Thanks :joy: and guess I'll have to check it...
You probably don't know, but I just recently became the person with the most messages on the forums (tryhard!!!). To celebrate, I'm going to be...
Now the number one thread poster on the forums. <o/ Glad we got a fresh start, would've never passed the top people on the old website. Still,...
Why not make an imgur album and put them in there? Would love to see some old screenshots of MCC, like a few people above me I also don't have...
Not sure if this giveaway is still open, didn't mention a time zone. If it is open, then I'll hop into it real quick: Never mind, I'm blind. IGN:...
I am aware what they stole from you. If you don't want people stealing things from you, then don't leave them in plain open sight on your plot....
Just found this on google, it's a picture of Survival Games and Skywars before they added the new backend, back when you still had to click the...
Everyone has different preferences. As an Immortal rank myself, this doesn't bother me in the slightest. I still find it easier to just craft...
As explained multiple times by multiple people (myself included), there is a reason for having the kits set up the way they are. They're not meant...
So first off I just want to say, I don't think there is ANYONE out there who would give "consent" to being stolen from. Second, ignoring is not...
Just adding onto what you said about staff recording, if the higher staff are up for coding it maybe you could have like a mini-youtube for staff...
You can buy prismarine from the /shop for a lot cheaper, these people are just purposefully wasting tokens. This is why you read the replies...