Separate names with a comma.
Hey there! As a solo player on sb2, I completely get where you're coming from, which is why I've wanted to suggest a similar idea, however,...
@6hb jake you are an eboy qt don't worry
Promo buddies w ollie, only fax
Hey there Raptor! I absolutely love your idea! I'd love to see Harvest Hoes become more of a broad item, as opposed to just a standard one form. I...
original eboy of mcc
hi there, everyone asks if im you
straight vibing
Hola! I'm just wondering what your favorite subservers are! Here are my opinions on them since I play all of them! Skyblock: I absolutely love...
do be a hot eboy doe <3_<3
Just curious though, since you can just claim kits and drop them, it would just be the same, wouldn't it? Like claim one kit at a time and shift +...
Hey All! I'm not much of a PvPer, which is obvious due to my 0.06 KDR, so most of the time I just go on kit, take my kits mainly for the regs and...
Howdy All! Recently I've been seeing a lot of people saying how bad it is that they only get the one kit for their rank on certain subservers, so...
Hey There! I'm not sure if you'll remember me, but I did play skyblock ALL THE TIME around then, you might've known me as StupidNikki, 0hNikki,...
Hi there, I completely understand how you may feel, and I do think it's quite an odd reply. Personally I think whoever the staff member was, most...
Hey there! I personally find videos of people playing minigames wrong quite funny, like trying to win a solo skywars game without using the...
Hey guys! I've recently gotten back into playing Prison, after moving to Skyblock for a while. I realised how easy it is to get tokens on...
Hey all, For those who don't know me, I am in no means a tech wiz. I'm not great at coding or whatever, so I'm hoping this will reach someone who...
Hey there! Completely know how you can feel 'too old' to play, though I am only a young teen. MCC is family friendly, and has very young players...
Hey there! I can see where you're coming from in the sense that they can be a little strict, and since it is a family-friendly server, the staff...
Hi All! I think a feature Skyblock is lacking is a feature similar to /plot chat on creative, survival, prison etc is a /is chat. This feature...