Separate names with a comma.
Another one is httpmemeuwu
What he said in English is read everything on the foundation + for free (I despair 1k in long fights ...) put how to buy keys for in-game money
Comments and posts on other users profiles have no limits tho.
Try to catch me in the CTF leaderboard all time. I rank #143
For me, school has been suspended indefinitely. I might be going back in Spetember
1700 WINS: 5 April 2020
Following you now :D
100 CTF captures: 31 Mar 2020
A KITPvP lottery can be good. [SPOILER]
I'm already past 1600 now.
Social distancing: Keep 53 years apart
Or they have to do some maintenance to Skywars, CTF and SG in there too
We all have this. There is maintenance being done I think.
I cannot connect to the server. Are you doing maintenance to the server staff members?
STOP getting so many deaths. If you keep getting excessive deaths in a game, you'll be the first one at 100,000 deaths
1. Block entry to your base in Cakewars 2. Go an entire SG game with only one kill
Just need seven more flags to capture before I get to 100. I also need 15 more wins before I reach 1600
I'm 152 all time and 360 this month