Separate names with a comma.
The job for both myself and @YUSUFCOOLER3000 is to like all posts by each other and by any staff member.
I'm at 108 now.
You don't know @Ankh, but I do want to increase the limits for donators ([Immortal]'s get the highest at 52). For me, It would be 36 since my rank...
Congrats on SOTM
I'm very proud of you for that :D
I don't really play Survival much @___Sean___, but one thing is to let a maximum of 365 players on at a time so it's more fun for more people. And...
Honestly, a good idea for Murder Mayhem is removing the player list when the game starts. Then it would give the Murderer an advantage to win. And...
Blues 2 Canucks 1 in OT
Not really for those under rank [Lapis] and actually, I haven't @___Sean___
Are you serious, in all of my experience in CTF, I've never heard of a team full of Donators. I have seen a team of all staff members tho.
True, so I thought the same thing for CTF.
I just posted 15 scores
I actually had 130 likes. Not 180
For me, I can't really do that since I'm [Coal] rank.
Indeed there is. It came in as soon as the CTF revamp was released. Oof. Mine is only 23 kills. My personal high is 17 tho.
I heard the Nats won the WS of 2019
The Washington Nationals are the World Series champions of 2019
I got 76.7% on it too. I got it on Monday
Hey, If you're a donator and tired of having the 34 kill limit and want more, then you're in this with me. I thought of having new kill limits...
Canucks 5 Kings 3