Separate names with a comma.
congrats! im next
cash or card today
sounds good, pull up to the next window please
alright and what drink would you like with that
happy birthday
bruh chain
i remember when you had a pink tag
Discord: Xermes#9793 Favorite Sub-server: Prison 1 or Skyblock 1
sounds good, we'll have it right out. drive up to the next window please.
alright and would you like fries and a soda with that
thank you very much, it's almost as cute as you
all my homies love nouhs
Goodluck on your future endeavors, you were a phenomenal staff team member and deserve the best.
Yes of course +1 from me I would love to hear this! Thank you for the suggestion, I'm looking forward to seeing what comes out of it!
Hey SStikyy! You can see the top list of gangs by typing /gangtop in-game! [img] This is the latest top 10 gangs in the server, (which I'm...
a seller on fiverr
Yeah, they should be able to customize a plugin which verifies your donator status, which would be a great burden to take off of staff since they...
I didn't realize this was already suggested. I appreciate your insight however, but still am confused by the fact that this hasn't been added yet.