Separate names with a comma.
hi hi
Chill-Ax people :)
When will you turn 16 :)
I've been playing on this server for 4 years. I have a terrible memory but anyways welcome back to MCC! :)
:) ur a noob :)
WOW thank you for the post! I will use this post as notes for when I apply for staff. Thank You.
Wow you are really good at pvp and nice video!
Thats why u deserve respect! Chill ImConcerned :)
Don't call me just chill call me chill jay :)
Congrats on forums team!!! This little kid wishes you all the good luck. P.S. the little kid is me :)
How much hacker reports do u have??
LOL wait till she hears that!
Your signature is hilarious. You killing Teddzy was funny. Keep up the good work and make more of those plz.
Teach me how to win a uhc game. I never find diamonds. :D
God Moderator WHY r u so chill! U are da best!
I was in your skywars game once. :)
IGN: JustBeChill Discord: Jay =)#1366 Good luck to all and appreciate that you are doing this giveaway. :)