Separate names with a comma.
oh i’m sorry i completely read it wrong/scanned it. well i don’t think having ‘activity tags’ would be a good idea since them he xeferno has the...
hey! a “suggestions”/“server ideas” topic has been mentioned/suggested before with the new forums, but i can see why they removed it. a lot of the...
although these ways make money, not all of them make large amounts of money which can still leave rookies n' such in the dust. I've been playing...
yo. I like the idea of "/kit shovel"; however i don't see it being used on the regular like kit pickaxe & kit axe. people would use it once to...
hi. i do not think this is a good idea. one reason being there’s multiple subservers so if someone were to be banned in skywars and the message...
hey joshy! i can see where you’re coming from about taking damage in voids; however i don’t agree with this idea, especially in cakewars. a...
oop. hØi. even thought i don’t really agree with the idea of ranked minigames, i really like this reply and the ideas that you shared in it....
hi. i’ve never really ran into this problem since i don’t do this with enderpearls; however i can see that being a pain to deal with. adding this...
hey amoelia n00b! i’ve played on servers where there’s option to buy fly perk, then buy a rank separately; like, you could have the highest rank...
nice story. not sure what the whole purpose of it was for. but...
adding on to this, you can upload your image to imgur then in the dropdown bar (top right of picture) you can click on 'Get share links' then...
i feel like this wouldn't work because a 1st player couldve gotten one kill while a 2nd place winner gets 4 kills. it would almost be an unfair...
hey! i do not agree with this idea. I can sorta see where you're coming from since the shop has most of the same stuff; however, i don't think...
hi pznda! i can kinda see where you're coming from about about having aa ranked system for minigames, similar to how arenapvp is with ranked and...
hey! mcc got a new forums website... if you haven’t noticed. to appeal for a punishment clickbhere and to access the old mcc forums you can click...
hey! i'd like to also say that i've noticed something different in the anticheat. a kid in skywars had ka activated in lobby/waiting room and he...
hey! i can kinda see what you mean about new lobby/cosmetic items could use a 'lil update, or revamp; however, i'm not quite sure if theyre the...
im not a big fan of change, but i do like xeferno. even before mcc changed, i always like day xeferno. i don’t get how it’s ‘fomplicated... but...
congratz again :D
hey! i’ve seen this issue on prison, and the whole idea of loot timers n’ such floating around the old forums. i’ve seen other servers implement...