Separate names with a comma.
as mentioned above, i don’t see a point for a most follower’s board/showcase area for this forums. it can get abused with bots/multiple fake...
heyo! i can find this thread being super useful to many players out there who get false banned. just wanna add that you SHOULDN’T close your...
1. no this is not the place to talk about punishments. 2. if you believe you were falsely banned, you can appeal here 3. the best way to alter a...
heyo! ik this is kinda a late reply since you created this thread in july; however, here's some of my input on this thread. I agree that wager...
you right.. 3rd biggest poopoo of prison2 :D
you 4th biggest poopoo of prison2
heyo bizz i think this is a cool idea n’ all that; however, i can see where other people are coming from about how it probably wouldn’t be added...
even tho this isn’t retop’s thread or whatever, best of luck to retop on his minecraft journey and if he comes back maybe the community won’t be...
not so much afk'ing, but the fact they'd be autoclicking/hacking. since they're at spawn, they can be caught by staff or normal players. unlike if...
you should record subservers ;) like a let’s play or whatever. it can be like 2 episode series like where you sample it. idfk how your channel...
ummm woah ok. bucko. you’re super chill and have like most posts on forums, i think you should know how this works about appealing (here) blah...
imagine not having a :ItsGuih: <3
i really like this idea for skyblock trades n’ such ‘cause I know “/trade” has had some issues in the past and not everyone still trusts it. i can...
heyo! as mentioned above, there are different servers for this server. if that makes sense... i’m not quite sure which ip is for where, but maybe...
heyo! i can see where you come from about the generators at spawn; however i’ve seeb many skyblock servers with this kinda setup. i’ve also seen...
i actually really like this idea, and never thought about that. however, i also feel that rename scrolls could end up getting forgotten about and...
hiHi! i can see where you come from about rename scrolls; however, im not quite sure what your plan of action is if they remove rename scrolls...
in more addition to what was said above, you can also get tokens from spinning any key (event keys, ancient keys, mythical keys, and voting keys)....
what’s up PaRTy PeOpLe