Separate names with a comma.
ign changes: nouhs -> gothies -> nouhs
Best content I've seen all day hands down
This is so kind thanks! IGN: nouhs Discord: #0429
hi qt
congrats bff
I would much rather have a personal mine where you can upgrade the size of it or the ores in it as a prestige bonus that would be really great.
If you play often you would notice that SO many people on prison already have been complaining about normal mines lmao not just me as "that...
Nobody wants it to go back to "how it was" we want the mines to be able to support 10+ people at one time.
Staff told me that it was disabled on plots to avoid having people afk mine.
The mines are shallow and when everyone is mining at once the mines reset after less than 30 seconds and it's hard to mine when it resets so much....
farewell hope to see you in mm still
I would even out the rates or maybe give a Fire Resistance I instead of Water Breathing but you do need some "bad" enchants to go with the super...
sorry im late lol grats
grats dude haha
" spain without the s "