Separate names with a comma.
Hiya DaveDreaD, Please create a donation ticket by emailing [email protected] to resolve this issue. Have a great rest of your day/night....
Best of luck my friend =( We will sincerely miss you on the team.
Good luck!! =)
There's currently no set date for kit reset. Seeing as it last reset in march I would hazard a guess that it won't be for several months though.
Congratulations on one year as staff!! I am so unbelievably proud of you x You are such an important member of the staff team and I am so glad to...
Congratulations! Welcome to the mod team =)
Question Answered - Thread Locked
Happy Birthday!
I so wish I still had screenshots back to when I first joined the server. Unfortunately, multiple computers later, I'm only now realizing how...
Hiya AloneWithALoan, The minigames revamp is currently in beta stages. If you have suggestions, I highly recommend providing them in the server...
Hiya, I'm personally very fond of Vareide map 1, as it's extremely nostalgic. As far as I'm aware, MCC is one of very few if not the only server...
- Question Answered - Thread Locked -
Requesting that you reapply asap pls and thx!
Hiya Elecctricc, Short of my fear of needles, I've always wanted to be an equine veterinarian or a physiotherapist. Neither careers are likely...
Hiya adamyay, As per Article 20 of the GDPR, the request for all data saved on you only needs to be forwarded upon request where technically...
When reapply?
I luckily have plenty of free time lately. But I have been enjoying playing MC/video games more or spending lots of time outside as we're...
Hiya Stiva, This has been discussed multiple times with one of MCC's main devs voicing his opinion on the matter as well. As per his...