Separate names with a comma.
New alt name?? Thank you =)
Thank you :D
Thank you!
✿ Senior Mod - January 22nd, 2022 ✿
Hiya, One you prestige, you will gain access to your private mine. At 100k blocks mined at your pmine, you will gain access to your first robot...
I've watched far more anime than I can count over the years, but the ones that come to mind and that I highly recommend are: Vinland Saga, Sword...
Happy New Year!
Hiya RedRobin17, I'm in full agreement that it would be nice to be able to edit perms for island leaders. They always have the ability to revert...
Hiya, you'll need to submit an appeal here The staff member that punished you is no longer on the...
Hiya NFLs, Mobs despawn with clear lag in order to reduce lag across the subserver. Altering the plugin to allow mobs to stay would likely result...
Wishing you all the best in 2022. Happy New Year =)
And the winners are. . . ETTOS & SniffableSugar Congratulations to both winners. Merry Christmas
Merry Christmas!
Hiya Zac25zac, I love these suggestions. They're genuinely well thought out and could add some interesting new aspects to KitPvP. That being...
Hihi =)
M E R R Y C H R I S T M A S . . . And Happy Holidays! I hope everyone is enjoying their winter/Christmas break or their summer break. I've...
Congratulations on SOTM!
Welcome to the mod team!