Separate names with a comma.
Happy Birthday!
Typically the only situations people use this word is in a disrespectful way. It is also only classified as disrespect when it is directed towards...
Only forum reports are counted towards the 100 report requirement. You can check how many you have by going in to report players and scrolling to...
I wish we could see his p.o.v and reaction to that LOL
I would love to see this idea implemented. There are a lot of kits that I rarely use that I bought simply because I had an excessive amount of...
What does the future hold?
I've always thought kitpvp is unfair for rookies and I know many members would agree. While I disagree that /fix all should be free for all...
I think MFDOOM probably has you beat by several dozen offenses. Last I checked he had nearly 90 offenses on his main account.
I feel like this would just cause other players to briefly stop hacking as it would alert them that there is a staff member spectating. The...
IGN: InsaneIsMyName Discord: Andria#7504
Congratulations qt <3<3
I'll try once I'm back from vacation haha =)
@OriAlfi It's the 7th for him.
Happy Birthday!!
It's incredible to see all these numbers, and all of the different things you have been apart of during your time as staff. Congratulations on 5...
Thank youuu <3<3
Imagine my surprise when someone sends me this video and tells me I made the cut, not once but twice! I'm famous lolol I always try to stray away...
Adorable profile pic <3<3
Bit late but congratulations!!