Separate names with a comma.
Hi there! If you are positive you're not using a VPN or Proxy, try restarting your router. If that doesn't work, I suggest going to the MCC...
When I tried to connect to the server I was immediately kicked for having a VPN or Proxy and as far as I'm aware, I am not using any vpn or proxy....
Hey, if you are not using a vpn or proxy, you should try restarting your router. If you still cannot get into the server, you should contact a...
I used to have this problem. My father went on discord and talked to the staff there. Hope this helps, Ashley (FeelinqLovely)
Hello, I am not using a VPN or Proxy. I read that you can be whitelisted by a moderator. Please can you help me. Here is my screenshot and IGN...
Ray is asking if you could provide a screenshot of the kick message, not his own punishment history. Example of a Kick Screenshot:...
I would like to know why i'm getting this notification, i dont get it on other servers, but i do get it on MCC which is rather confusing. So i was...
Hey there, make sure you actually don’t have a VPN when trying to log on. If you’re absolutely sure, DM or @ a Senior Moderator so they can...
Hi i recently got unbanned from your server but now i ran into another problem... "You seem to be using a vpn/proxy" i googled it and it seems...
Hey, me and my friend (minecraft users _MissL_ and momoanita) keep getting the "you seem to be using a VPN or Proxy" message when we try to enter...
Keep getting this msg, not running vpn or proxy, I assume i need to be white listed
Hey I get this message when I try to connect to the server using a (Microsoft Windows Server) {RDP} and I'm using that for my AFK Console Clients...
I got this message when I tried to log on. Been playing on MCC from time to time, this has never happened to me before. [ATTACH]
I get an error like on the picture. As I understand it, this can be fixed by whitelisting? Could this be done for me please? My username is...
When I try to log in, it says that I am using a VPN or Proxy, but I´m very sure that i´m not, i dont really know how to fix this problem.
Even if you were frozen in a sub server you would lose time away from your friends and in-game as well? I see no difference in being sent to the...
Hey! I mean obviously nobody enjoys hackers ruining there game lol. Server moderation and Anti Cheats are things that can help as well as...
Actively freezing players in minigames isn't really possible, due to multiple complications. Most notably probably being that either the game can...
Please help i get htat message and i dont have a vpn or proxy [IMG]