Last Activity:
Jul 23, 2019
Likes Received:
May 9, 2003 (Age: 21)


Male, 21

Thank you guys for saying happy birthday to me! I hope your all safe and well with your family! Specially *ahem* JOEMAMA! XD sorry had to May 10, 2021

Alansar_trignot was last seen:
Jun 1, 2021
    1. Alansar_trignot
      Haha! Amandasowavy called me a mini mod just for asking people to stop complaining about anti cheat.... (is that minimodding?)
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Alansar_trignot
        I will say this though, your the one being immature because you said f**k you to me for being positive. After you did that I just did called you out so that I could show that someone is being rude to someone who wants to be the nicest guy on the server
        Sep 6, 2020
      3. Alansar_trignot
        Well, I guess I’m right, you have nothing kore to say, so I guess we are done here, it was wonderful talking to you! Also, it’s 4PM right now for me, so I must wait 4 more hours to sleep, thanks for reminding me though!!
        Sep 6, 2020
      4. Alansar_trignot
        Haha! Your a little late! I was already asleep bu the time you told me! I think you should help me improve my sleep schedule if you think it’s so important for me!! Also you said that at 11:09 for me
        Sep 7, 2020
    2. Alansar_trignot
      Oooooooh I got big plans for this season, I’m gonna make a water tank
    3. Alansar_trignot
      Applied for staff but just now realized I made a fatal mistake.... I didn’t put in the numbers for my discord...
      1. InsaneIsMyName
        Hiya! I can't see a way to edit staff applications but you could probably reply to it with your discord name including the numbers =)
        Sep 4, 2020
        Alansar_trignot likes this.
      2. forgranted
        Or you can just pm one of the app members with your full disc. Its not a huge deal as if you make it to the interview stage, the staff member will drop their discord for you.
        Sep 4, 2020
        Alansar_trignot likes this.
      3. Alansar_trignot
        Hehe! Thanks! I hadn’t thought of that, it wasn’t the first thing on my mind
        Sep 4, 2020
        forgranted likes this.
    4. Alansar_trignot
      *sigh* damn, forgot my mouse at my dads, won’t be on today... sorry
    5. Alansar_trignot
      Nailed it! Reached <100 accepted player reports! Now I just gotta wait for 2 weeks (I got 2 warning points on the forums)
      1. 5aki likes this.
      2. 5aki
        Very epic!
        Aug 25, 2020
        Alansar_trignot likes this.
      3. mcrcus
        Good job man. Also, doesn’t hurt to try and get a little bit ;)
        Aug 25, 2020
        Ahnxious and Alansar_trignot like this.
      4. Alansar_trignot
        Thanks guys!
        Sep 3, 2020
    6. Alansar_trignot
      Please check out my plot in Prison 1! It is looking wonderful!
    7. Alansar_trignot
      Hey guys! How y’all doing, I’m thinking I’m gonna say whatever’s on my mind here whenever it comes to me...... hehe, I’m bored
    8. Alansar_trignot
      dang, so many hackers here on skywars, gets so frustrating
      1. ZimZang likes this.

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