Comments on Profile Post by Abar

  1. peed
    OKAY. That's why your igloo is literal poverty.
    Mar 31, 2020
    ThorKingOfAsgard and Abar like this.
  2. Abar
    It isn't tho?
    Apr 1, 2020
    peed and ThorKingOfAsgard like this.
  3. peed
    It very much is. ☹️
    Apr 2, 2020
    Abar likes this.
  4. Abar
    Soon I will have the igloo that costs 5k. The ultimate flex
    Apr 2, 2020
    peed likes this.
  5. peed
    That is a flex however, your puffle >>
    Apr 2, 2020
    Abar likes this.
  6. Abar
    Puffles are cheap
    Apr 2, 2020
    peed likes this.
  7. peed
    I'll buy your puffle
    Apr 2, 2020
    Abar likes this.

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