Comments on Profile Post by Abar

  1. AZXG
    Don't worry, online courses and mandatory homework assignments are on their way LOL :P
    Mar 24, 2020
    B_Man05 and Abar like this.
  2. HeckTheThicc
    For me, it's till April 10th, but because I live 40min away from NYC I think school might be out longer. Mabey even for the rest of the year
    Mar 25, 2020
    Abar likes this.
  3. Abar
    Yeah if I end up going back to school at all, I will only have like 2 weeks left so I feel like I prob won't :/
    Mar 25, 2020
  4. B_Man05
    For me, school has been suspended indefinitely. I might be going back in Spetember
    Apr 7, 2020
    HeckTheThicc and Abar like this.
  5. Abar
    wow lol I'm class of 2020 so not going back there ever again most likely
    Apr 7, 2020
    HeckTheThicc likes this.

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