Last Activity:
Jul 31, 2019
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Jul 5, 1998 (Age: 26)
Above you Watching everything you do
Gurdian Angel


26, from Above you Watching everything you do Oct 31, 2024

TwinBlade was last seen:
Oct 31, 2024
    1. TwinBlade
    2. uncleNO
      You post all of these things on your wall, and none of it makes sense. Why is your incoherent *** commenting on my wall? Please, don’t start an issue and there won’t be none bro
      1. TwinBlade
        I am the perfect person to teach a lesson. hes not evil but not good. not your friend or your enemy. not a companion but not a rival. he may annoy you and hurt you but you will turn to him in a moment of desperation. and when youre desperate your open to change.
        Jul 20, 2020
      2. TwinBlade
        I mean why am i wasteing my time on this idoit haahha
        Jul 20, 2020
    3. TwinBlade
      New Face New name Same old game, Old as time scared to die, Living so long, Afraid to die afraid of the time where am Nomore, Kindness is me
    4. TwinBlade
      and the 20% of gods that are good are also amazing to fight I may have hit first places but if i knew there was so many of these Amazing peo
    5. TwinBlade
      80% of the top players are try hards not fun just pure idk, But just below there skill there are some pro a true gem
    6. TwinBlade
      Noob mids fake pros then Real pros Its a pleasure to fight them but then you have gods 80% of them are full of player who mods and hax
    7. TwinBlade
      its like a food taster eatting a well made dish he knowws the diffrence between amature and pro And i could taste his flavour in his style
    8. TwinBlade
      I cant explain but you know when your vsing a mid level with mods or a pro with skill you can FEEL it you can see it I cant explain
    9. TwinBlade
      When you fight someone as a pro you can feel there intent there abilites there skill and moddz he fought like a PRO it was fun it was Brille
    10. TwinBlade
      modddzzz Fought someone today named moddzzz OMG it was a pleasure A PLEASURE to fight him, i could feel he had pure skill 100% accruse WOW
    11. TwinBlade
      PrimeExample Becomeing a Real pro.. heck even close to god if he worked on his skills but his game knowldge is perfect
    12. TwinBlade
      I swear to god am never gonna Repent can I get another Aymen ( World best In skill Knowldge And Gameplay) NOW what am i gonna DO
    13. TwinBlade
      Get dimodns in the main chest Craft Dimond amour enactend it Proc 5 Anvil it And boom Use a boat and telport back into the map And kill them
    14. TwinBlade
      Go outside the map go 2k away and youl find other maps
    15. TwinBlade
      When player Get up to god level but it took them 10 years
    16. TwinBlade
      ACTULY HOW I FELT WHEN I WAS THE WORLD BEST AND 1v20 the top player in the world
    17. TwinBlade
      =commands become the world best pvper and 15year worth of knowlge inventor of most of the gliches AM doing really good part 2
    18. TwinBlade
      know how to walk on water fly climb up 10 blocks high break glass blocks on sg, Telport Freeze player dissoncct player have admin part 1
    19. TwinBlade
      Good thing in real life am not as powerful as i am in minecraft Life is more simple In real life and me a loser (: With no power Happy
    20. TwinBlade
      Its hard to explain what being a god is like But life become far more complex and the bible makes alot of senses from his perspective
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  • About

    Jul 5, 1998 (Age: 26)
    Above you Watching everything you do
    Gurdian Angel
    the Wheel of fate demands it

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