Comments on Profile Post by olly03

  1. Master_Aqua
    I didn't think that you said it, I know that you did. I'm not required to keep evidence of witnessed mutes so I don't have it on me. Sorry :/
    Dec 30, 2019
    B_Man05 likes this.
  2. olly03
    i dont care mate its just low that ur being petty
    Dec 30, 2019
  3. Master_Aqua
    I'm not being petty at all. I scrolled up through my chat to find it for you so here.
    Dec 30, 2019
    B_Man05 likes this.
  4. olly03
    i did the community a favour
    Dec 30, 2019
  5. Master_Aqua
    You still broke a rule and that's why you're muted.
    Dec 30, 2019
    ThorKingOfAsgard and B_Man05 like this.
  6. Vervain
    Period :)
    Dec 30, 2019
    Master_Aqua likes this.
  7. httpmeme
    Aqua is actually much help to the community, however if you think they're abusing their power, you may report, however based on the evidence they provided it looks like a fair mute.
    Dec 30, 2019
    HH_Captain, B_Man05 and Master_Aqua like this.

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