Comments on Profile Post by FarisNyanNyan

  1. iluvu
    i got 18k last month u can do it! Also I am almost certain ur skin has the black line issue, look at it on namemc I will send u a fixed version in a second I am working on it rn
    Dec 8, 2019
    FarisNyanNyan likes this.
  2. iluvu
    iluvu Here put this on and then compare it w/ the one u used to have on namemc, notice how there is no black on the lower hand / no black line going into the shirts, dress is now even on the arms etc
    Dec 8, 2019
    FarisNyanNyan likes this.
  3. FarisNyanNyan
    Ah. Thanks! Do you happen to know how to use the skin? <3 nya
    Dec 9, 2019
  4. iluvu
    I told u it was broke smh, but what do u mean? If u mean like how to apply it then download the image, go to and login, then once ur logged on click on ur email in the top right, head to my profile, click on skin and then u can drag the skin file into the box (make sure its set to classic model as I preserved that from the original skin) nya rawr
    Dec 9, 2019
    FarisNyanNyan likes this.
  5. iluvu
    And of course don't forget to make sure the skin is changed (so like u click apply after u drop it in) and then u relog to see changes
    Dec 9, 2019
    FarisNyanNyan likes this.
  6. FarisNyanNyan
    omergod it looks so good now thanks!
    Dec 9, 2019
    iluvu likes this.
  7. iluvu
    Dec 9, 2019
    FarisNyanNyan likes this.

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