Comments on Profile Post by MrMCCStaffman69420

  1. iiSean
    Imagine making a forums account just to be toxic
    Nov 14, 2019
    kvng_steph likes this.
  2. kvng_steph
    imagine not going for staff
    Nov 14, 2019
    xStrafings, Chilo_ and iiSean like this.
  3. BtwImQuestion
    Nov 14, 2019
  4. MrMCCStaffman69420
    i actually did go for staff, matter of fact i was really triggered when they refused me because when they asked ''why should we trust you'' i put because ''i dont grife'' so i was really pissed :/
    Nov 27, 2019
  5. iiSean
    yeaaahhh i think they would prefer a bit more detail ya know .....
    Nov 27, 2019
    MrMCCStaffman69420 likes this.

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