Comments on Profile Post by lloricode

  1. Pizzicato_
    You should probably speak to a staff member about this. I know others who have had the issue before so it probably requires a sr+ to deal with.
    Oct 17, 2019
    lloricode likes this.
  2. lloricode
    thank for info, but how to report this? in discord? and who?
    Oct 17, 2019
  3. puposaurus
    brossjkiiikii. hi. if you think it's a bug, make a bug report (on foorums).. if it's vpn spam dm a senior mod+, if its wifi issues, wait 5hrs in a support call with your internet provider.
    Oct 17, 2019
    lloricode likes this.
  4. lloricode
    thank you puposaurus, now its working, i just sleep after 5hrs
    Oct 17, 2019

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