Comments on Profile Post by vepiSr

  1. iiSean
    You were muted by being disrespectful. If that is not the case to you appeal
    Oct 16, 2019
    PistolPet likes this.
  2. vepiSr
    i did appeal 2 days ago
    , which was the length of my mute. maybe if you guys didn't point out the obvious so much and do ur jobs i would have been unmuted from my appeal.
    Oct 18, 2019
  3. iiSean
    @vepiSr Hang on don’t turn this on the Pistoll that they didn’t answer your with in your “Preffered time!” Staff are busy, they have 72 hours to respond to your appeal and all this could have been avoided if you didn’t do something that muted you.
    Oct 18, 2019
    PistolPet likes this.
  4. iiSean
    Saying that Pistoll was not doing his job by not responding to your appeal as quick as you want is not true. As a helper he is required to except chat reports, help players out on the forums, in game and on discord as well as be active within the community as well as do things IRL so don’t be so rude to him because you are impatient.
    Oct 18, 2019
    PistolPet likes this.
  5. iiSean
    Clearly you were muted for a fair reason so you should just wait out the 2 day mute. If he false muted you Guess What! You are not going to earn your unmute if you are being disrespectful.
    Oct 18, 2019
    PistolPet likes this.
  6. iiSean
    If you were not muted for a fair reason respectfully explain your side of the story via appealing and he might have misunderstood. If he denied your appeal you would have just had to wait it out. There is no reason to tell a staff member who is kind and helpful to the community off on his own profile for a scenario you yourself have gotten into.
    Oct 18, 2019
    PistolPet likes this.
  7. PistolPet
    @vepiSr make sure to provide the right name when appealing next time.
    Oct 19, 2019
    B_Man05 likes this.

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