Comments on Profile Post by AZXG

  1. iiSean
    When youre making maps on warp fb does your maps show the TNT Craters the sycopaths have put there
    Oct 13, 2019
  2. AZXG
    It depends on when the maps were made. I'll usually try to avoid making them on days when there are too many TNT craters
    Oct 13, 2019
    B_Man05 and Horace_Altman like this.
  3. Horace_Altman
    When looking at the maps. Ugh I can't find the spawn. Oh wait just look for the destroyed part of world. Ah there we go thanks found it :)
    Oct 14, 2019
    B_Man05, iiSean and AZXG like this.
  4. AZXG
    Oct 14, 2019
    B_Man05 likes this.
  5. iiSean
    Oct 14, 2019

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