Thank you for all of the good wishes. And Zonafer I am aware there is more to that. I have met all of the requirements besides the ones that I listed in my status. These requirements must be made before applying.
you also needa be 14 or one hella good youngster.. be active in the community and not be a fricking ranD like some staff who have been recently promoted to helper :tea:
also also also also, an untold truth, you need to kiss *** to some staff although staff reccomendations don’t do a hella ton if it’s just one staff, it helps get recognition from apps team n’ higher ups
i didn’t say it’d stop you, nor was i sayinf that. i just know from buckos i’ve had who are under 14 and tried applied were almost instantly denied.
the apps team has gotten a lot stricter with age requirements after past “mishaps” with that kinda deal.
ya’ really gotta wow and be hella active in the community to be considered or whatever
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