Comments on Profile Post by NikiLuvsYou

  1. TheTNTPotato
    Long time no see <33 How've ya been? :D
    Jul 22, 2019
    Invader, MasterChheda and NikiLuvsYou like this.
  2. NikiLuvsYou
    Wuz gud den bad den worse now decent XD how u been?
    Jul 22, 2019
    Invader and TheTNTPotato like this.
  3. TheTNTPotato
    Awwww hopefully things say ok :P I've been okay, going through a family emergency rn but things are getting better. School is starting up in just over a month so I'm excited but also scared about that. xD
    Jul 22, 2019
    Invader and MasterChheda like this.
  4. NikiLuvsYou
    awh :C hope the family trouble gets fixed soon. and EW SCHOOL
    Jul 22, 2019
    Invader and TheTNTPotato like this.
  5. TheTNTPotato
    Tyty, it's getting a bit better but it's definitely bumpy. School gets super stressful but I made some awesome friends last year so I really wanna see them again. Just worried about how difficult this year will be (year 2 of uni) xD
    Jul 22, 2019
    Invader, MasterChheda and NikiLuvsYou like this.
  6. NikiLuvsYou
    Oof you gonna need to be a big nerd this year for school xD Make sure you enjoy the last month of vaca to the fullest <3
    Jul 22, 2019
    Invader and TheTNTPotato like this.
  7. TheTNTPotato
    tyty <3 The one thing stressing me out is that one of my projects this year is hosting a charity fundraising event according to my 2nd year friends + my brother. Trying to do that on top of other projects and exams will be hell LOL
    Jul 22, 2019
    Invader, MasterChheda and NikiLuvsYou like this.
  8. NikiLuvsYou
    Geez gurl thats a lot of work damn XD You better succeed so it wasn't for nothing xD
    Jul 22, 2019
    Invader and TheTNTPotato like this.
  9. TheTNTPotato
    If I didn't know ahead of time (the profs don't tell us until after school starts), I'd probably be scrambling to think of an idea. My main idea right now is to collaborate with the animal shelter place that I volunteer at. I can't brainstorm too much since I don't know the prof's criteria for the project. I'm gonna be working in a group so I'll at least have some help XD
    Jul 22, 2019
    Invader and NikiLuvsYou like this.
  10. NikiLuvsYou
    Ah i see, yeah that would be a fun idea. At least you already have an option. Just let the others in the group do most of the annoying work xD
    Jul 22, 2019
    Invader and TheTNTPotato like this.
  11. TheTNTPotato
    Exactly!! For a lot of people, coming up with a good idea is one of the hardest parts of the project, so having that out of the way will make things a lot easier :D
    Jul 22, 2019
  12. NikiLuvsYou
    You a smart potatowoman! thinking bout school when u still on vaca. DEDICATION MOTIVATION IMAGINATION COMMUNICATION
    Jul 22, 2019
    B_Man05, Invader and TheTNTPotato like this.

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