Comments on Profile Post by iiSean

  1. Bob50
    Not to brag but I go more than both of you combined with 1600.
    Oct 5, 2019
  2. iiSean
    Are you that Bob317827316703`7342786378603276327327631706378063712 guy on CTF?
    Oct 5, 2019
  3. Bob50
    Oct 5, 2019
  4. B_Man05
    I don't really play CTF anymore. I find it too laggy.

    I actually retired from CTF @___Sean___
    Oct 7, 2019
  5. iiSean
    Yeah I noticed you are more of a creative player now
    Oct 7, 2019
  6. B_Man05
    True. I'm helping others with their plots on Creative as well as waiting for @kvng_steph to be online when I'm online for my [Iron] upgrade. Get ONLINE @kvng_steph please!
    Oct 8, 2019

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