Comments on Profile Post by Doris Yeeter

  1. TrippedUp
    Admins have no time limit on how long they can take to respond to an appeal, unlike other staff that have 3 days. Just be patient, and they'll get around to it!
    Sep 21, 2019
    B_Man05 likes this.
  2. Doris Yeeter
    Doris Yeeter
    I very much understand that , however I don’t think it’s a very good policy. Here now, let’s wait a few more days and see:)
    Sep 21, 2019
  3. Teddzy
    I'll look into it asap
    Sep 21, 2019
    micunmuted, B_Man05 and Doris Yeeter like this.
  4. Doris Yeeter
    Doris Yeeter
    Ok , can you leave an update here please or message me :)
    Sep 21, 2019
  5. Doris Yeeter
    Doris Yeeter
    Leave your response here, haven’t had a reply to the appeal in 7 days ! Also, you can shoe everyone here how strong the staff team is by using this as a case study for people to see you all work to deliver the best for players/clients .
    Sep 22, 2019

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