Last Activity:
Jul 31, 2019
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Jul 5, 1998 (Age: 26)
Above you Watching everything you do
Gurdian Angel


26, from Above you Watching everything you do

this human is still alive............. Aug 15, 2024

TwinBlade was last seen:
Aug 15, 2024
    1. TwinBlade
      Found the chat logs and converted them NOW I have to read ):
    2. TwinBlade
      1. TwinBlade
        10.14 time to work on rooting my own computer system so i can figure out how program my own GZ converter JUST So I can READ fucking Chat logs ))): And prove am right so i can play on a game full of stranger who hate me.. But i do it because there a few player that i promised I would be there until the very END and i was there at the beginning..
        Nov 2, 2022
    3. TwinBlade
      But there no other alternative or i just let time pass on and let it be forgotten in the dust of time.. Sigh Magnolia
    4. TwinBlade
      then Fight the ideology of Darren thats gonna be fun. Being right 24/7 is cool but it takes alot of work to always be right forever ):
    5. TwinBlade
      gonna stay up to 2am ): Just to get the chat files to Read and find out why i got the mute so i can unmute only to chat and be hated again):
    6. TwinBlade
      Find chat logs after going though /cmd find out my files are (.gz)files btw not a computer nerd sigh now trying to figure out how to convert
    7. TwinBlade
      Come home hope on minecraft Find out i have another mute sigh.. Discrimnation .. Suspect its about kanye west but not sure begin work on ):
    8. TwinBlade
      Me working: Although i can only speak English Has to speak vietnamese, Writes in cantonese/chinese and skips lunch because dont have behind.
      1. TwinBlade
        did i mention dont have a penny to my name and rents due on the 4th.. sigh but lets not stress over my lost wallet
        Nov 2, 2022
    9. TwinBlade
      Normal people: working Relaxes Does there job Eats lunch at 12.00 Smiles at friend and goes home. Happy
    10. TwinBlade
      Me going to work. Wakes up at 4am tries to catch bus Fails Quickly runs tries to make it to work gets caught in 5 Lakes get across with soak
    11. TwinBlade
      Going to work Normal people.. Wakes up 8.00 gets ready gets in car or goes on bus and goes to work starts work at 9.30..
    12. micunmuted
      what is this whole page about, i swear what u post aint normal
      1. TwinBlade likes this.
      2. TwinBlade
        Micunmuted if i was a normal person i would of killed myself back when i was 10, if i was a normal person i would be Praying to god 24/7 If i was a normal person i would be crazy and homless or living off the goverment or some *******.. But am not am a person who does Nothing but kindness and good deeds 24/7 While the world spins and abuses me...
        Nov 2, 2022
      3. TwinBlade
        And i dont mind Because i get to do what other can only dream of daily I Just wish sometimes i could also do what other do daily and take for granted. the basic things Like Belong or Not feel so alone. or be normal
        Nov 2, 2022
    13. TwinBlade
    14. TwinBlade
      am old but i can watch this and recall my old days
    15. TwinBlade
      Unless its someone evil. Otherwise I Just act smug Because they will do 1 of 2, Keep attacking and hurt themselfs or Get mad and run away
    16. TwinBlade
      So i threw away all my power and threw away all my status and Lived at the bottom BUT i made sure No one pushed me around and i never attack
    17. TwinBlade
      thats when i learned weather i talk alot or say nothing at all ITS not whats being said but WHO says it... It all about Status and Power
    18. TwinBlade
      then i unmuted told people HEyyy whats up and they told me to shut up you talk to much your always talking .. even after i was queit 3 years
    19. TwinBlade
      SIgh you know i once asked for a staff to mute me on purpose and i stayed muted for like 2-3 years Not saying a word and after 3 year
    20. TwinBlade
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  • About

    Jul 5, 1998 (Age: 26)
    Above you Watching everything you do
    Gurdian Angel
    the Wheel of fate demands it

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