Comments on Profile Post by Rainbow_Pug_1000

  1. AcceptedAppeal
    do my 3 past ones count
    Oct 22, 2021
  2. AcceptedAppeal
    or the 3 I have access to
    Oct 22, 2021
  3. Rainbow_Pug_1000
    they do, but usually i need to see 5 subteams in order to verify the title, but since u were in more subteams, I'll give you the title twice
    Oct 22, 2021
    AcceptedAppeal likes this.
  4. AcceptedAppeal
    2x that's pog
    Oct 23, 2021
  5. Rainbow_Pug_1000
    pog and a first :)
    Oct 23, 2021

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