Comments on Profile Post by TwinBlade

  1. Yukihira
    at least you are honest, and if u do something wrong it's because u failed, not because you are a rule breaker, like those corrupt staff!
    Oct 15, 2021
  2. TwinBlade
    A life of pure virtue and Trillions of good deeds can come crushing down by 1 mistake xTeux... Its the Hardest lesson
    Oct 15, 2021
  3. TwinBlade
    for how can one claim to be Benevolent, if there even the slight stain on his soul... how can you call a surface clean... if there even the spec of dust.
    Oct 15, 2021
  4. TwinBlade
    where a Man with a trillion marks can do one good deed with a smile, and be called a saviour.. for if you claim to be Benevolent they throws rocks but if you claim to funny or intresting they worship
    Oct 15, 2021

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