Last Activity:
Jul 31, 2019
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Jul 5, 1998 (Age: 26)
Above you Watching everything you do
Gurdian Angel


26, from Above you Watching everything you do

this human is still alive............. Aug 15, 2024

TwinBlade was last seen:
Aug 15, 2024
    1. TwinBlade
      Well idk i been playing mc for a long time and taught most of the staff.. So yeah pretty invested in the game and keeping it good.
    2. TwinBlade
      Well goodbye forever teenage/childhood
    3. TwinBlade
    4. TwinBlade
      mutes without warning bans for fun.. ect ect ect its all OVER they won.....
      1. Yukihira likes this.
    5. TwinBlade
      All from experience Uh tbh kvng_steph is the only true one... Monkey gang won ....Team in uhc steal in prison Cheat lie.... leak IP
      1. Yukihira likes this.
    6. TwinBlade
      Tennete drinks while bein in call with underage ppl Teddy oreo false bans and mutes Insane is my name goes on ban purges
    7. TwinBlade
      well since mcc taken over by corrupt staff i guess i dont have to HOLD BACK INFORMATION ANYMORE
      1. Yukihira likes this.
    8. TwinBlade
      I went down dozens of roads.....all but one....the Monkey gang i stayed away from that lead....maybe it was a good thign i did maybe not
    9. TwinBlade
    10. TwinBlade
      But based on what i have seen they see mcc as a joke for fun.. and there wanna crush it into the ground with LOL and onto valrent
      1. Yukihira likes this.
    11. TwinBlade
      but at this point it feels like there going for a Full Take over....trying to milk every lost thing they can get... idk what there end goal
    12. TwinBlade
      I Just hope they do what the last patch of corrupt staff i did not Capture do... suck mcc for everything its got an abando ship when it fall
    13. TwinBlade
      AT this point xTeux am surpised am not IPbanned yet with the amount of eveidence and dirt i have on them... but its gonna happen one day
      1. Yukihira likes this.
    14. TwinBlade
      notaspleen — Today at 3:02 AM chat flooding isnt just sending 5 messages its doing it within a short period of time with intent to spam
    15. TwinBlade
      they win....Nikki if your reading this which i dont you are..... At least i helped that one poor kid who got muted unfairly get unmuted
      1. Yukihira likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. TwinBlade
        i want to man i want to help so many player but they have won....dude this shit goes deeper then sirmod
        Oct 14, 2021
      4. TwinBlade
        its not like in te old dayss where there kids and you can just bug em... there all Adults now and so there just as cunning as Adults
        Oct 14, 2021
      5. TwinBlade
        I got older sure... but so did they and they got wiser and there far more of them
        Oct 14, 2021
    16. TwinBlade
      King_Ibaa — Yesterday at 5:33 PM lol, u win in mutes. guys who know OldSelfagain disc? When other players are msg me telling me to help
    17. TwinBlade
      Interresta Black listed spammed bot in Prisons Banned April (coolella U gave a random account admin in sniffs discord) QOUTE
    18. TwinBlade
      Teddzy... whyyy how could you be apart of it...coolella going MAD
      1. Yukihira likes this.
    19. EssentialsPlus
      can you post an entire story on my page
      1. TwinBlade
        Sure the one about Interresta....or just a random story
        Oct 14, 2021
      2. TwinBlade
        i can give a moral story a True story a mythic story If you tell me ya IGN i could give youa story about yourself.
        Oct 14, 2021
    20. TwinBlade
      His wrath undoes the wicked.
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  • About

    Jul 5, 1998 (Age: 26)
    Above you Watching everything you do
    Gurdian Angel
    the Wheel of fate demands it

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