Your Right REgent you are 100% Right ): And No matter how many Black sudanese Black gangest groups who steal kidenys in night clubs i stop Or chinese Child trafficing or
50k untill am out of breath untill am screaming And the few i save is just another Person when i end them what Police could track a kid without a car who can go Well beyond 200k
then I go to school and get bullied and abused And hated And when i sit at my desk to play a game I see more corruption and every year i get older am a Man now...And i dont know what else to do
My firest job was (TPA) test Purchase assistent snitching It should of been called Finding what Asian Milk bar sold to Minors or Hide black market Cigrates under the counter
whats worse the 2008 workers agreement keeping people in slavery or... that some people Hire others from over sea and force them into Real Slavery paying them nothing but pennies
No Regent am not new to the world I have been around for A Long Long Long time...someone has to do something but why YOU? Why not me..who else is there you said it YOURSELF....
POLICE corrupt, Goverment Corrupt, your local fucking Milkbar I left a small pack of lolies and wanted to see how long it would take for someone to steal them...the first kid saw it took IT right way
So i put another one... And another one and ANOTHER ONE AND ANOTHER ONE ....all corrupt all evil...and I relised the Villains aint out there THERE ALREADY IN HERE
and one day, When i have had enough I will Use my Dark energy forumla Create a black hole take away an electrion and let this earth and milkeyway Go bye bye.... I Hope I PRAY
that someone Anyone Will stop me, Just 1 To stand up and stop the corruption.........Because if 1 Can stop me..then there might be hope for everyone...Hope is the worst sin of all.
But if you become that threat Look or big and frighting they will stop fighting and team up... To take you Down... you wanna STOP CORRUPTION Be the biggest Baddy
3 Days Where in Minecraft SG no one killed another player they ran around dropping items at each others feeting looking for loot. FOR 3 DAYS Nothing but kindness and respect
I changed the Orginal SG game where players whould pretend to team with each other and back stab each other the second they got a sword To a game With Honour with Justices Where teams And skill could work
SO yes I will Run that extra mile Yes I will Fight that team of 10 Yes i will hax into discords and find corrupt staff..Because for many years of work You can change the world ....Just slightly And permantly.. 3 days of peace and a forever chnage for the better
When the whole world is corrupted And push the scale to evil...Someone Has to push it back someone has to keep the Balance there is nothing but Strong and weak, Nothing but Anaimls... thats not humanity Thats not imagination Thats NOT POWER, Thats not wonder, thats Not complex, its Nothing but mediocre
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