Comments on Profile Post by luvbri

  1. Grammar Police
    Grammar Police
    The Grammar Police is a huge fan of Grammarly as it not only corrects grammar, which is one of the most important things to do while writing but also provides alternative sentences that sound better to an audience. I recommend it to anyone who would like to improve their grammar.
    Aug 11, 2021
    luvbri and BlockyBeach like this.
  2. BlockyBeach
    It is an exceedingly helpful tool for those who may struggle with grammar and other issues.
    Aug 11, 2021
    luvbri and Grammar Police like this.
  3. luvbri
    Aug 11, 2021
    Grammar Police likes this.
  4. Rainbow_Pug_1000
    my god i never thought i'd see grammarly on this profile, let alone this website
    Aug 12, 2021
    BlockyBeach and luvbri like this.

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