Comments on Profile Post by DarkBeastPro

  1. FalseReports
    Been waiting on this "minigames revamp" but yknow how alex markey is now. Try to revamp but gives us some trash maps that no one will ever love and allow hackers on leaderboards.
    May 16, 2021
    YouGetMeSoHigh likes this.
  2. YouGetMeSoHigh
    yeah nvm bro stay gone i tried playing sw for the first time since october yesterday and that shit is so dead
    May 17, 2021
    micunmuted likes this.
  3. micunmuted
    at this point you gotta feel bad for some of the staff trying to stay positive about the server, otherwise they will get demoted. I totally forgot about the minigames revamp. how long has it been since they announced that?
    May 17, 2021
  4. YouGetMeSoHigh
    I think it was “officially announced” around Christmas time, but staff have been hinting at it for over a year at the least
    May 17, 2021

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