Comments on Profile Post by Alansar_trignot

  1. Nikki_
    I believe that is called blinking
    Apr 24, 2021
    Alansar_trignot likes this.
  2. Alansar_trignot
    I don’t think so, I know when someone winks at me XD
    Apr 24, 2021
  3. KierenBoal
    Then you'd be aware the winking is the action of closing a singular eye, as opposed to the act of blinking - which is comprised of closing and opening two eyes simultaneously.
    My profile picture is - as per the statement made by Nikki_; Blinking.
    Apr 24, 2021
  4. Alansar_trignot
    XD lol, well it looked like it winked at me
    Sorry I was tryin to be funny
    Apr 24, 2021

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