Comments on Profile Post by ChocoFranko

  1. Swinger
    Funny joke! April fools isn't for a while though, so maybe don't next time ❤️
    Dec 29, 2020
  2. ChocoFranko
    Hey, how about it wasn't a joke at all, how about you look deeper into the appeal like you're actually supposed to and you'll see for yourself that this was a mistake. Do you feel proud of yourself for being such an authority figure on a Minecraft server? That's bound to get you a good job or a nice piece of tail!! Do you jobs right this is ridiculous.
    Dec 29, 2020
    mendelfogel and Naturebacks like this.
  3. ChocoFranko
    And why didn't YoureKindaSus respond? I believe I asked him, not you, "Swinger."
    Dec 29, 2020
    Naturebacks likes this.
  4. Swinger
    Looks like he responded just fine to the appeal that I looked at :)
    Dec 30, 2020

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