Check if you've ever given your account to other people. If you've ever logged on with a VPN, the VPN may have been ip banned and therefore so would you.
@dislikers I've used VPNS before for a lot of other things, i gamble on this site and need to connect to a VPN to use it, Would that cause it? never used it for Mc
@justinkid101 If you never logged into MCC with the VPN, it shouldn't have banned you. Have you ever let someone else use your account? If yes, and they logged in using a different computer, they may have been the one to get you banned. If no, try going into the #support channel on the official MCC discord. They may be able to help you. If all else fails, do what @DarkBeastPro said and find the evidence of your ban.
@dislikers I’ve had friends over at my house before with their Computers connected to MCC but I’ve never let anyone use my account Nor play on MCC with a I still don’t see how I could be getting IP banned for no reason, I made a entire appeal about the situation and I’m not seeming to get any luck I’m not quite sure what else i can do.
I still don’t see how I could be getting IP banned for no reason, I made a entire appeal about the situation and I’m not seeming to get any luck I’m not quite sure what else i can do. This honestly sucks man like I spent so much money on there and had so many memories since 2016, all for it to get thrown away by @kieranboal for no apparent reason what’s so ever.. :( down horrendous.
Hello there, if you are using a VPN make sure not to use it as most VPNs are pre-banned from MCC. If you are not and you are still IP banned, make sure to appeal here so your punishment can be reviewed correctly:
well appeal got Denied, got false IP banned... pretty done with this, going to try and contact y’all one more time but I am still in awe that you’ll ban a OG 2016 Account with $200+ USD spent on it, @KierenBoal Please show me how I logged into MCC on different accounts with a VPN, I’d like to see proof :), because it is complete bs lol
@Tennente_ My appeal got denied, what else can I do?, there’s no point in appealing if it is going to be the same corrupt 30 year old reviewing the appeal... kind of a dumb rule you guys have lol, you should let Anyone review the appeals so it is fair and not a personal thing, because I’ll tell ya if you somehow make a 30 year old mad on MCC your gettin a false perm!
@justinkid101 Sorry for the late response, Have you tried contacting a staff member personally through DMs on discord or through the #support channel in the MCC discord. Explain that you've appealed and it has been denied and you don't know why you've been ip banned. Ask them to provide evidence if possible.
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