Comments on Profile Post by LethalReach

  1. DarkBeastPro
    Make sure to go over, i recommend 150
    Dec 27, 2020
  2. LethalReach
    oh jeez. That is so many! I haven't seen that much hackers for 3 days already!
    Dec 27, 2020
  3. DarkBeastPro
    Yeah well you wanna go above the requirements
    Dec 27, 2020
  4. s0cial_
    it might be wise for you to look at this thread before applying ->
    Dec 28, 2020
    LethalReach likes this.
  5. LethalReach
    Thank you so much s0cial_ That is giving me a lot of positive vibes. I know know what I have to do. There is so many things that I have to do. I thought that I just had to do the requirements posted in the staff applications section but, there is a lot more things I have to do to accomplish my goal. Thanks, once again! I really appreciate it.
    Dec 28, 2020
    s0cial_ likes this.
  6. s0cial_
    You are welcome sir! I wish you the best and good luck! If you need something, feel free to pm me here on forums or maybe on discord: s0cial#9551
    Dec 28, 2020

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