Comments on Profile Post by Grammar Police

  1. Nikki_
    Dec 19, 2020
  2. KierenBoal
    I'll note that when you are quoting something, you should put proper "quote" marks around it.
    It's nonsensical and grammatically invalid when you typed: ‘You’re’.

    I'd also suggest to not heavily rely on using 3rd party tools/extensions to improve your text output (see: Grammarly), as you aren't really learning how to type better, you're having a computer do it for you.
    Dec 19, 2020
    JorjaoMilGrau, Teddzy and 10Controls like this.
  3. Teddzy
    Cheers Boal, you deserve a raise
    Dec 26, 2020
    micunmuted and Darenn like this.
  4. Sahmir
    end of the day im still gay!
    Dec 31, 2020
  5. TwinBlade
    YoureKindaSus and Kierenboal you two are the Reason I stay up for 92h and only eat, Cereal and Boiled egg, Because i use to eat oats and get goodnight sleep but your so fast i can hardly keep up with your Bureaucracy, skills of being a genereal pain in the *** of anything that resembles empathy.
    Oct 31, 2021

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