Comments on Profile Post by Lxvely

  1. Ahnxious
    Lxvely for mod.
    Dec 13, 2020
    Lxvely likes this.
  2. Grammar Police
    Grammar Police
    Lxvely, please make sure you include a full stop before posting a statement.
    Dec 19, 2020
    Ahnxious likes this.
  3. Lxvely
    @Grammar Police If you were to look carefully, you would note that my status update contains quotation marks. This indicates I am directly quoting another individual who did not include a full stop in their original phrasing of the sentence. Therefore, my grammar is entirely correct. Politely step off. :)
    Dec 20, 2020
    Ahnxious likes this.
  4. Grammar Police
    Grammar Police
    I noticed the quotation marks, which why I did not correct you on misspelling “baby” and “girl.”
    Dec 20, 2020

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