Comments on Profile Post by guih

  1. Fates
    Today I'm going to post 3 videos of players using a hack, if I can't post the 3, at least 1 I post, I'm editing them in a new video editor, so I'm taking too long. There will be some extras in the description of these videos, but they are not yet edited.
    Dec 9, 2020
  2. Fates

    I can already evidence these.
    Dec 9, 2020
  3. guih
    Nah man don’t edit shit just drop the raw link in here
    Dec 9, 2020
  4. Fates
    I want to edit for 2 reasons, to make the video public on my channel, because leaving a public video unedited, my channel will be ugly, and for you to also pay attention to the parts that are suspicious, because you analyze it yourself? Lol, no, I need an edited video guiding where it is right or wrong.
    Dec 9, 2020
  5. guih
    No you don’t just post the raw thing I was staff and I’m pretty sure my 2 braincells can still tell whether a person is hacking or not
    Dec 9, 2020
  6. Fates
    Don't you remember that I said that this Staff doesn't know how to analyze anything? And you think you can show off saying that you are Ex-Staff, and the Staff on this server sucks, and you, talking a lot of crap on the topic that I made the answers to.

    It really makes me laugh at y'all stupidity, do you think there's a sucker here? I have INTELLIGENCE, and I will edit to guide you, because you are stupid.
    Dec 9, 2020
  7. guih
    First off your English is dogshit. Please go back to school.
    Secondly, editing evidence will make it even more biased. Just give us raw clips and let us decide whether you’re right or wrong ourselves. In the end, you’re the one being judged and clowning yourself
    Dec 9, 2020
  8. Fates
    Look, a dumb idiot who thinks that can change me, will I have to say it again that, I DON'T MISTAKE, should I say it again? I D O N ' T M I S T A K E
    Dec 10, 2020
  9. Fates
    I speak more correctly than many idiots who fill with abbreviations and exclude words to make the sentence shorter, but absurdly more confusing, and I don't know if you have eyes, but in my profile it says Brazil, on Wikipedia, English is not a main language from Brazil
    Dec 10, 2020
  10. Fates
    in Brazil we speak the Portuguese language, and I'm using Google Translate, correcting several words, so why not criticize Google Translate? Do you want to personally curse someone who works at Google Translate?
    Dec 10, 2020
  11. Fates
    And I, as a Brazilian, in Portuguese, I am above average in speaking right, of people of my age.
    Dec 10, 2020
  12. Fates
    It's not my fault for being in a community as stupid as this, and only me, that have intelligence, do you think you will be able to say something without me editing anything? You still don't understand that you are stupid?
    Dec 10, 2020
  13. Fates
    I need to guide you, and tell you where the hack was used in the video, I reported 4 obvious hackers, but this dumb Staff didn't know how to analyze it, and gave DENIED, in addition to taking 3 DAYS to answer my report, it takes 3 days to DENY, while I, in 1 minute, I already know which hack the player is using
    Dec 10, 2020
  14. Fates
    I have KNOWLEDGE, follow who has knowledge, follow who really knows, because I will prove that they use hack, but you, will not be able to do the conversely, because so far y'all have not succeeded, so let's learn, and understand that I, perfection in person, will NEVER BE CHANGED.
    Dec 10, 2020
  15. guih
    Being from Brazil doesn’t mean shit. I’m also from Brazil and I don’t make 472 grammar mistakes in 1 sentence kekw and no you don’t. Lol send the videos or cap
    Dec 10, 2020
  16. Fates
    You are the first person who talks about grammar mistakes in my English, I already made a story of more than 10,000 letters, in English, and nobody complained about anything, only people here at the MCC, it proves that you are dumber than that I thought.
    Dec 10, 2020
  17. Fates
    I speak English in several places, I have spoken many words in English, I have over 1000 messages speaking English on a Discord server, and they never complain about anything.
    Dec 10, 2020
  18. Fates
    I already had some discussions on that server too, and they never said anything about: "your grammar is bad, it proves you are wrong", they never said that to me, just HERE.
    Dec 10, 2020
  19. Fates
    When I edit the video, I post it here and it's over, I already edited one, but it still remains to render and post, this program that I use freezes a lot and, it takes a while.
    Dec 10, 2020
  20. guih
    post the raw videos or cap
    Dec 10, 2020
    HePlaysGames likes this.
  21. Fates
    Search Fates GD on YouTube, it's there, but, edited, I already said.
    Dec 12, 2020
  22. guih
    None of those look sus lol
    Also replay mod isn’t good for catching hackers I’m js
    Dec 12, 2020
  23. Fates
    As I said, aren't you stupid? So, I already said, you don't know the Minecraft functions, that's what happens, I record my camera with the same one as the replay, and the differences are zero.
    Dec 12, 2020
  24. Fates
    And I know, I even analyze it, I not only analyze hackers, but I also analyze that the replay is the same as the video, and yes, it is 100% the same, but like you, you just never studied it, you won't want to accept it.
    Dec 12, 2020
  25. Fates
    It could also be that you don't want to accept the truth, and you start pretending you don't believe it, you're not the first one who could do that, or it could be your lack of intelligence, even, normal, a Minecraft player hardly has intelligence.
    Dec 12, 2020
  26. Fates
    It's very normal for you to hit someone out of your sight (Muniez), isn't it? It is very normal to hit your FIRST HIT more than 5 blocks away (Gabrieel22), very normal, it is quite normal to also hit you behind blocks and while you are falling (89p). Really, NORMAL
    Dec 12, 2020
  27. Fates
    I warned you that the proofs would not change you, you are too stupid to be changed, you don't even know what is possible to do and what is not possible, literally, this is a very low intelligence community.
    Dec 12, 2020
  28. Fates
    Why don't you try to do the reverse now? It would be dumb against intelligence, the intelligent cannot change the dumb because he is too dumb, and the dumb cannot change the intelligent because he is too dumb for that.
    Dec 12, 2020
  29. Fates
    It's kind of complicated, it's like trying to teach something to a deficient person, because that's literally what you look like, I've never seen such a lack of intelligence in my life, is it something so complex to understand, what is possible or not?
    Dec 12, 2020
  30. Fates
    And you can try the opposite, obviously y'all will NEVER change me, because their opposite is this: SS and show the screen, and here I will speak for the hundredth time:
    Dec 12, 2020
  31. Fates
    Windows, Mac and Linux there are several functions, MANY functions, for you to hide all kinds of suspicious things, while a Staff finds ways, others exist, that Staff would never think about, or do you think I don't know this Staff?
    Dec 12, 2020
  32. Fates
    And it is absurdly easy to hide a hack by recording your screen, seekingattention is hiding yours in his videos, others are also hiding yours, and these hackers like to use Quake Pro's field of view to hide better, but not all.
    Dec 12, 2020
    Yukihira likes this.
  33. Fates
    That is, it is so obvious who is right, it is something so clear, but since y'all do not want to accept it, continue, and we will see how far this stupidity will go, something that already proves that you do not think, is to want me to put the link of the video here, and the link DISAPPEAR.
    Dec 12, 2020
    Yukihira likes this.
  34. Fates
    See how you don't think before you do something? I know how to think before I do it, and I have experience in analyzing other things too, so you here who really should change, but, I foresee permanent stupidity, but anyway, that's it.
    Dec 12, 2020
    Yukihira likes this.

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