Comments on Profile Post by HePlaysGames

  1. Fates
    I have already reported several hackers, but as I said in the other posts, this Staff did not know how to analyze and know, and so they gave "Denied" on obvious things, and posting it outside I don’t know if it is allowed, and it would be very weird.
    Dec 6, 2020
  2. Fates
    So Discord is the only way for me to show it, because they are unedited and unlisted videos, or wait for the edited video on YouTube in public, which I will still post.
    Dec 6, 2020
  3. guih
    Just paste the link in here lol?
    Dec 6, 2020
    HePlaysGames likes this.
  4. HePlaysGames
    Why would it "not be allowed" to post it here? I don't know if im just blind put i dont see anything stating that its not allowed to just put up a few videos for the proof cause weve been waiting for 2000 years for this.
    Dec 6, 2020

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