Comments on Profile Post by Fates

  1. forgranted
    then prove it holy shit how hard is it to post evidence
    Nov 23, 2020
  2. Eleung_musk
    He needs to edit the evidence first he already told me.(edit to make it look like they are hacking)
    Nov 24, 2020
    forgranted likes this.
  3. Fates
    Do you think I like to deceive? Fates#3307 for everyone who wants to see, I'll put the replay of Badlion and the video without editing, so I want to see.
    Nov 24, 2020
    HePlaysGames likes this.
  4. Fates
    And another, I have to play with this player, they become a hack automatically because of their Win rate, and then, I have to play with the same to find out which hack, I said it already.
    Nov 24, 2020
    HePlaysGames likes this.
  5. Fates
    If I accuse a player hacking who has a low Win rate, it means that I have already discovered the hack he uses.
    Nov 24, 2020
    HePlaysGames likes this.

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