- Last Activity:
- Joined:
- Jul 24, 2019
- Messages:
- 4
- Likes Received:
- 19
- Gender:
- Male
- Birthday:
- October 16
- Home Page:
- https://soundcloud.com/snowdream
- Location:
- your heart
- Occupation:
- having coffee with you
Male, from your heart
sun, sea, surf, sand, snow, sxdness and she. Dec 31, 2020
- sxdness was last seen:
- Dec 31, 2020
- Loading...
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- Gender:
- Male
- Birthday:
- October 16
- Home Page:
- https://soundcloud.com/snowdream
- Location:
- your heart
- Occupation:
- having coffee with you
snowbanks, snow-falls, snowflakes,
snowman, snow forts, snowballs,
snow, stars, sand, surf,
sun, sea, sxdness
and she ...
missing someone or something
I hope your trip here brings you something good.
(I already apologize in advance about my bad english)
before you start travelling, reading or viewing,
downstairs has a peaceful music to listen to while you travel here,
( if you want ).
in case you feel more comfortable (below)
It has a blizzard,
so you can reflect on something or just relax
a long walk along a trail full of adventures
I know someone might find it stupid or irrelevant,
but I understand, It's Ok, You're Ok.
so in our lives things and people, come and others go away, (almost all the time I think). but of course some people or things stay with us.
one of the things left over is the memories,
maybe in the future we can find this person or something that was so loved by you or even and also so important to us or that we love very much,
what is left over are memories, and memories are often filled with good and bad things, with bitter or tasty taste as well. and a little of everything because you always have good and bad parts to form the puzzle of our stories, but all of them are completed with parts, and these parts are the beginning, middle, and end ( if at your had an end ).
I hope you enjoy
sincerely, I hope this helps someone
and you can learn something.
below also have a poll, options to vote on your own experience about.
so ...
when someone leaves your life, whether they end your relationship, move away or they are no longer living, it can be difficult to deal with.
That is you may wonder what to do when you miss someone to help stop the pain and misery, and still allow the person to get on with their life. The truth of the matter is that you must let that person go, and then spend time focusing on yourself in order to truly get back to your life. The time that you spend on yourself and the growth from this experience is going to help you to enjoy life and be a much happier person.
what to do when ...
you miss someone,
After the breaking up, or lost something
after you leave the “love of your life,”
inside you is beginning to accumulate negative feelings.
You lose the desire to live or you wanna be all alone.
You are alienated from society so much that you stop dating
and answer phone calls, nothing more wrong than this!
This type of depression is very painful.
You have the desire to hide in a hole and stay there until the end of your life.”
Every day somebody leaves someone and passes through the breaking up.
It is easy to fall in love
but it’s a much more difficult task to maintain a relationship.
You need to control your feelings if you want to get back to normal.
The worst feeling following the breaking up is the feeling of the absence of a loved one.
some practical tips on what to do
when you miss someone or something
I - Avoid hibernating in your home
One of the biggest issues that you will have with missing someone is when you lock yourself in your home and basically hibernate in your home. The worst way in how to deal with missing someone is to cut yourself off from outside activities. Chances are, while sitting at home, you are going to miss the person even more. That is why it is important to get out, even if it is only to go to the grocery or the gym.
II - Express yourself and accept unpleasant feelings
(sadness, loneliness, emptiness, etc.)
Instead of denying it (with whom you are actually increasing and maintain them), feel free to accept them and express. Cry, talk to trusted persons instead of running away, drinking, suffering, smoke or overeat. Expressing sadness eliminates the tension you feel. This is the first thing you should be doing instead of asking, what to do when you miss someone or something.
III - Stay connected with friends
When wondering what to do when you miss someone or something, always remember that spending time with your friends is a great way to escape from the memory of someone else. Your friends are going to be there for you and this is one of the best methods for coping with missing someone. These friends are going to help get your mind off of what happened, and eventually allow you to find your true self again. Plus, they are the people that know you the best, so they may know how to get your mind off the person better than anyone.
IV - Hang out, doing everything you do normally, but without being forced or exaggeration
Work and socialize as you feel at that moment, do not run up in work or elevated mood because this way only prolongs grief and loss overcoming. Do not withdraw from social life, be in touch with people.
V - Find activities that will occupy your mind and your attention
It can be some thinking activity (learning, reading books, surfing the Internet, etc.) Or some physical activity (sports, gym, yoga, etc.). It doesn’t matter which activity you choose, it is important to be something that you enjoy and something that interests you. By being active temporarily turn your “I miss him/her” thoughts to the thinking of some interesting and enjoyable facilities and you will remind yourself that you can enjoy when you are alone.
VI - Increase your brain power
If you have put off going to the new art gallery around the corner, or watching what is considered a “smart movie”, then take the time to do this now. You will find that through expanding your interests, even if you are trying something out that does not work in the end, is a great way to expand your horizons. You may not like everything that you try out, but your brain will expand despite not liking what you see. Try out new things that you may have once felt threatened about, such as a new art gallery, and simply see what there is to offer. Even though you may not like it, you still have expanded your brain.
VII - Now is the time to quit coffee addictions and smoking
When you wonder what to do when you miss someone or something, it can be easy for you to become an avid coffee drinker and smoker, especially if you already did these things. However, now that the someone is gone from your life, it is the perfect time to quit these habits. Why is this? Basically, because going through the withdrawal and quitting of these habits can help to get your mind off of the person that you miss, and instead you are focusing on you, something that you need to do. In addition, you get the benefit of living a healthier life once you cut out the smoking.
VIII - Design your time so that your every day be filled with content
Do not leave yourself an empty space for boredom and free time without content, because in such circumstances that people tend to indulge in negative, pessimistic thoughts, unnecessary introspection, critical self-evaluation and a sense of loneliness.
Exactly in these moments, people fall into despair because they incredibly miss the person they still love or also something that was loved. Fill your time as best as you can.
Design what is it that you can do during the day, including the obligation, everyday tasks, but also fun and socializing, make an exhaustive list of these activities and make a schedule of obligations.
Try to do, those activities that you performed along with your ex now perform alone or with someone else, or simply find some new activities that will provide equal satisfaction.
When you wake up in the morning it is desirable to know what you will do today until you go to sleep. Do not leave a space for dark thoughts and analyzing the past.
Bring in some innovations in your life.
IX - Do something new for yourself
Last thing you could do, if you are still wondering what to do when you miss something or also someone. Something that so far you did not work, even if it were a small thing. It may be some small changes (eg, change your hairstyle, buy some new clothes, create a new arrangement in the apartment, etc.). Or some new activity (type in a program, Search for new interests, meet someone new, find some new place to go in, change society, etc.). The introduction of these innovations will make you feel fresher and more independent and will strengthen your position that you can spend your time quite well even if you are not in a relationship.
X - See someone or something new
Even though you may miss someone or something, it is time to get back out there. This does not necessarily mean that you are going to start a serious relationship, and that is fine. But, you could meet some interesting people who turn into great friends, and you could have a lot of fun. The idea is that you are seeing that the world doesn’t stop turning even though you miss a certain someone in your life. And you never know, you may meet someone that is the perfect match for you when you get back out in the dating world.
XI- Email yourself your thoughts
This may sound strange, but it does work. When you were younger, you may have been told to keep a journal to help deal with emotions. But, as an adult, you often spend more time sitting at a computer, so why not journal your feelings and email these to yourself. It can be a great way to deal with those feelings, learn what triggers you may have for these feelings, and is the ultimately method for what to do when you miss someone. Anytime you feel the need to talk, simply jot down an email and send it to yourself with the feelings you are having.
XII- Let the music say it for you
Many people who have missed someone, missed something in the past find that listening to music is a great way to deal with all those feelings. Take the time to listen to songs that speak about missing someone, or just songs that remind you of the person that is no longer in your life for whatever reason. However, remember not to do this constantly.
XIII - Thank the person or a thing you are missing
Though you may initially be angry at the person or something, who left you, you do need to look at what all that person has taught you or how they helped your life. This is where writing a thank you note can be helpful. Tell the person you miss just how much they meant to you, thank them for the good times that you two had, or if the person taught you something that has changed your life, let them know. This thank you letter is a way to close the relationship, and you are going to feel better for doing it this way. It is the ultimate end to what to do when you miss someone, as it provides
XIV - About when you are missing something or someone
When you miss something or someone, it’s a feeling that is created from an abrupt break of the habit. Mistake, things that you truly, in the true and full sense missing are not habits, because habits create routines and frequent repetition of certain things.
Habits and routines are changing, those that are broken compensate for the other, new and quickly get forgotten. There is absolutely no missing. Material things you are never essentially missing. What you’re missing actually are emotional states, sensual feelings, situations, everything that you experience with one person, knowing that all of this the next time, even in identical situations, be completely different.
XV - That’s the charm of life
we are aware that some emotions will never be repeated in this way, at this level, in this dimension…
thanks so much y'all
- sxdness
- Skype:
- topzero00
- Twitter:
- _kcoolbye
snowbanks, snow-falls, snowflakes,
snowman, snow forts, snowballs,
snow, stars, sand, surf,
sun, sea, sxdness
and she ...
missing someone or something
I hope your trip here brings you something good.
(I already apologize in advance about my bad english)
before you start travelling, reading or viewing,
downstairs has a peaceful music to listen to while you travel here,
( if you want ).
in case you feel more comfortable (below)
It has a blizzard,
so you can reflect on something or just relax
a long walk along a trail full of adventures
I know someone might find it stupid or irrelevant,
but I understand, It's Ok, You're Ok.
so in our lives things and people, come and others go away, (almost all the time I think). but of course some people or things stay with us.
one of the things left over is the memories,
maybe in the future we can find this person or something that was so loved by you or even and also so important to us or that we love very much,
what is left over are memories, and memories are often filled with good and bad things, with bitter or tasty taste as well. and a little of everything because you always have good and bad parts to form the puzzle of our stories, but all of them are completed with parts, and these parts are the beginning, middle, and end ( if at your had an end ).
I hope you enjoy
sincerely, I hope this helps someone
and you can learn something.
below also have a poll, options to vote on your own experience about.
so ...
when someone leaves your life, whether they end your relationship, move away or they are no longer living, it can be difficult to deal with.
That is you may wonder what to do when you miss someone to help stop the pain and misery, and still allow the person to get on with their life. The truth of the matter is that you must let that person go, and then spend time focusing on yourself in order to truly get back to your life. The time that you spend on yourself and the growth from this experience is going to help you to enjoy life and be a much happier person.
what to do when ...
you miss someone,
After the breaking up, or lost something
after you leave the “love of your life,”
inside you is beginning to accumulate negative feelings.
You lose the desire to live or you wanna be all alone.
You are alienated from society so much that you stop dating
and answer phone calls, nothing more wrong than this!
This type of depression is very painful.
You have the desire to hide in a hole and stay there until the end of your life.”
Every day somebody leaves someone and passes through the breaking up.
It is easy to fall in love
but it’s a much more difficult task to maintain a relationship.
You need to control your feelings if you want to get back to normal.
The worst feeling following the breaking up is the feeling of the absence of a loved one.
some practical tips on what to do
when you miss someone or something
I - Avoid hibernating in your home
One of the biggest issues that you will have with missing someone is when you lock yourself in your home and basically hibernate in your home. The worst way in how to deal with missing someone is to cut yourself off from outside activities. Chances are, while sitting at home, you are going to miss the person even more. That is why it is important to get out, even if it is only to go to the grocery or the gym.
II - Express yourself and accept unpleasant feelings
(sadness, loneliness, emptiness, etc.)
Instead of denying it (with whom you are actually increasing and maintain them), feel free to accept them and express. Cry, talk to trusted persons instead of running away, drinking, suffering, smoke or overeat. Expressing sadness eliminates the tension you feel. This is the first thing you should be doing instead of asking, what to do when you miss someone or something.
III - Stay connected with friends
When wondering what to do when you miss someone or something, always remember that spending time with your friends is a great way to escape from the memory of someone else. Your friends are going to be there for you and this is one of the best methods for coping with missing someone. These friends are going to help get your mind off of what happened, and eventually allow you to find your true self again. Plus, they are the people that know you the best, so they may know how to get your mind off the person better than anyone.
IV - Hang out, doing everything you do normally, but without being forced or exaggeration
Work and socialize as you feel at that moment, do not run up in work or elevated mood because this way only prolongs grief and loss overcoming. Do not withdraw from social life, be in touch with people.
V - Find activities that will occupy your mind and your attention
It can be some thinking activity (learning, reading books, surfing the Internet, etc.) Or some physical activity (sports, gym, yoga, etc.). It doesn’t matter which activity you choose, it is important to be something that you enjoy and something that interests you. By being active temporarily turn your “I miss him/her” thoughts to the thinking of some interesting and enjoyable facilities and you will remind yourself that you can enjoy when you are alone.
VI - Increase your brain power
If you have put off going to the new art gallery around the corner, or watching what is considered a “smart movie”, then take the time to do this now. You will find that through expanding your interests, even if you are trying something out that does not work in the end, is a great way to expand your horizons. You may not like everything that you try out, but your brain will expand despite not liking what you see. Try out new things that you may have once felt threatened about, such as a new art gallery, and simply see what there is to offer. Even though you may not like it, you still have expanded your brain.
VII - Now is the time to quit coffee addictions and smoking
When you wonder what to do when you miss someone or something, it can be easy for you to become an avid coffee drinker and smoker, especially if you already did these things. However, now that the someone is gone from your life, it is the perfect time to quit these habits. Why is this? Basically, because going through the withdrawal and quitting of these habits can help to get your mind off of the person that you miss, and instead you are focusing on you, something that you need to do. In addition, you get the benefit of living a healthier life once you cut out the smoking.
VIII - Design your time so that your every day be filled with content
Do not leave yourself an empty space for boredom and free time without content, because in such circumstances that people tend to indulge in negative, pessimistic thoughts, unnecessary introspection, critical self-evaluation and a sense of loneliness.
Exactly in these moments, people fall into despair because they incredibly miss the person they still love or also something that was loved. Fill your time as best as you can.
Design what is it that you can do during the day, including the obligation, everyday tasks, but also fun and socializing, make an exhaustive list of these activities and make a schedule of obligations.
Try to do, those activities that you performed along with your ex now perform alone or with someone else, or simply find some new activities that will provide equal satisfaction.
When you wake up in the morning it is desirable to know what you will do today until you go to sleep. Do not leave a space for dark thoughts and analyzing the past.
Bring in some innovations in your life.
IX - Do something new for yourself
Last thing you could do, if you are still wondering what to do when you miss something or also someone. Something that so far you did not work, even if it were a small thing. It may be some small changes (eg, change your hairstyle, buy some new clothes, create a new arrangement in the apartment, etc.). Or some new activity (type in a program, Search for new interests, meet someone new, find some new place to go in, change society, etc.). The introduction of these innovations will make you feel fresher and more independent and will strengthen your position that you can spend your time quite well even if you are not in a relationship.
X - See someone or something new
Even though you may miss someone or something, it is time to get back out there. This does not necessarily mean that you are going to start a serious relationship, and that is fine. But, you could meet some interesting people who turn into great friends, and you could have a lot of fun. The idea is that you are seeing that the world doesn’t stop turning even though you miss a certain someone in your life. And you never know, you may meet someone that is the perfect match for you when you get back out in the dating world.
XI- Email yourself your thoughts
This may sound strange, but it does work. When you were younger, you may have been told to keep a journal to help deal with emotions. But, as an adult, you often spend more time sitting at a computer, so why not journal your feelings and email these to yourself. It can be a great way to deal with those feelings, learn what triggers you may have for these feelings, and is the ultimately method for what to do when you miss someone. Anytime you feel the need to talk, simply jot down an email and send it to yourself with the feelings you are having.
XII- Let the music say it for you
Many people who have missed someone, missed something in the past find that listening to music is a great way to deal with all those feelings. Take the time to listen to songs that speak about missing someone, or just songs that remind you of the person that is no longer in your life for whatever reason. However, remember not to do this constantly.
XIII - Thank the person or a thing you are missing
Though you may initially be angry at the person or something, who left you, you do need to look at what all that person has taught you or how they helped your life. This is where writing a thank you note can be helpful. Tell the person you miss just how much they meant to you, thank them for the good times that you two had, or if the person taught you something that has changed your life, let them know. This thank you letter is a way to close the relationship, and you are going to feel better for doing it this way. It is the ultimate end to what to do when you miss someone, as it provides
XIV - About when you are missing something or someone
When you miss something or someone, it’s a feeling that is created from an abrupt break of the habit. Mistake, things that you truly, in the true and full sense missing are not habits, because habits create routines and frequent repetition of certain things.
Habits and routines are changing, those that are broken compensate for the other, new and quickly get forgotten. There is absolutely no missing. Material things you are never essentially missing. What you’re missing actually are emotional states, sensual feelings, situations, everything that you experience with one person, knowing that all of this the next time, even in identical situations, be completely different.
XV - That’s the charm of life
we are aware that some emotions will never be repeated in this way, at this level, in this dimension…
thanks so much y'all
- sxdness